Friday, 31 January 2025


 The CODE function in Excel returns the numeric code for the first character in a text string. This code corresponds to the character set used by your computer (e.g., ASCII or Unicode). Below are 10 examples of how you can use the CODE function, including data and formulas.

Example 1: Basic Usage

Data: A1 = "A"
Formula: =CODE(A1)
Result: 65
Explanation: The ASCII code for "A" is 65.

Example 2: First Character of a String

Data: A1 = "Excel"
Formula: =CODE(A1)
Result: 69
Explanation: The first character in "Excel" is "E", and its ASCII code is 69.

Example 3: Special Characters

Data: A1 = "@"
Formula: =CODE(A1)
Result: 64
Explanation: The ASCII code for "@" is 64.

Example 4: Numbers as Text

Data: A1 = "5"
Formula: =CODE(A1)
Result: 53
Explanation: The ASCII code for the character "5" is 53.

Example 5: Space Character

Data: A1 = " " (a single space)
Formula: =CODE(A1)
Result: 32
Explanation: The ASCII code for a space character is 32.

Example 6: Combining with LEFT Function

Data: A1 = "Hello"
Formula: =CODE(LEFT(A1, 1))
Result: 72
Explanation: The LEFT function extracts the first character ("H"), and CODE returns its ASCII code, which is 72.

Example 7: Non-English Characters

Data: A1 = "Ä"
Formula: =CODE(A1)
Result: 196
Explanation: The ASCII code for "Ä" is 196 (in extended ASCII).

Example 8: Using CODE in a Formula

Data: A1 = "A"B1 = "B"
Formula: =CODE(A1) + CODE(B1)
Result: 131
Explanation: Adds the ASCII codes of "A" (65) and "B" (66), resulting in 131.

Example 9: Comparing Characters

Data: A1 = "A"B1 = "a"
Formula: =IF(CODE(A1) < CODE(B1), "A is smaller", "A is larger")
Result: "A is smaller"
Explanation: The ASCII code for "A" (65) is less than the code for "a" (97).

Example 10: Extracting Codes from Multiple Characters

Data: A1 = "ABC"
Formula: =CODE(MID(A1, 2, 1))
Result: 66
Explanation: The MID function extracts the second character ("B"), and CODE returns its ASCII code, which is 66.

These examples demonstrate how the CODE function can be used in various scenarios, including working with text, numbers, and special characters. You can combine it with other Excel functions like LEFTMID, and IF for more advanced use cases.

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