Thursday, 30 January 2025


 The YEAR function in Excel is used to extract the year from a given date. It returns a four-digit year (e.g., 2023) from a date value. Below is an explanation of the YEAR function, along with examples of how to use it with data and formulas.

Syntax of the YEAR Function

  • serial_number: The date from which you want to extract the year. This can be a cell reference, a date entered directly, or a formula that returns a date.

Examples of Using the YEAR Function

Example 1: Extracting the Year from a Date

If you have a date in cell A1 (e.g., 10/15/2023), you can extract the year using:


This will return 2023.

Example 2: Extracting the Year from a Hardcoded Date

You can also extract the year directly from a hardcoded date:


This will also return 2023.

Example 3: Calculating Age Based on Birth Year

If you have a birthdate in cell A2 (e.g., 05/20/1990), you can calculate the person's age as of the current year:


This formula subtracts the birth year from the current year to calculate the age.

Example 4: Combining YEAR with Other Date Functions

You can combine YEAR with other date functions like TODAY or DATE. For example, to check if a date in cell A3 is in the current year:

=IF(YEAR(A3) = YEAR(TODAY()), "Current Year", "Different Year")

This formula checks if the year in A3 matches the current year and returns "Current Year" if true.

Example 5: Extracting Year from a Text Date

If your date is stored as text (e.g., "2023-10-15"), you can convert it to a date using the DATEVALUE function and then extract the year:


This will return 2023.

Example 6: Using YEAR in a Conditional Formatting Rule

You can use the YEAR function in conditional formatting to highlight cells where the year matches a specific value. For example:

  1. Select the range of dates.

  2. Go to Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.

  3. Use the formula:

    =YEAR(A1) = 2023
  4. Set the formatting style and click OK.

Example 7: Calculating Fiscal Year

If your fiscal year starts in April, you can calculate the fiscal year for a date in cell A4:

=IF(MONTH(A4) >= 4, YEAR(A4), YEAR(A4) - 1)

This formula checks if the month is April or later and returns the current year. Otherwise, it returns the previous year.

Example 8: Extracting Year from a Timestamp

If you have a timestamp in cell A5 (e.g., 10/15/2023 14:30), you can extract the year:


This will return 2023.

Example 9: Using YEAR in a Pivot Table

You can use the YEAR function to group dates by year in a Pivot Table:

  1. Add a helper column to your data with the formula:

  2. Use this helper column in your Pivot Table to group data by year.

Example 10: Calculating Years Between Two Dates

If you have two dates in cells A7 and B7, you can calculate the difference in years:

=YEAR(B7) - YEAR(A7)

This formula subtracts the year of the earlier date from the year of the later date.

Example 11: Extracting Year from a Date in a Different Locale

If your date is formatted for a different locale (e.g., 15/10/2023 for UK format), you can still use the YEAR function:


This will return 2023.

Example 12: Using YEAR in an Array Formula

If you have a list of dates in column A and want to extract the years into column B, you can use an array formula (in Excel 365 or Excel 2021):


This will return an array of years for the dates in cells A1 to A10.

Key Notes

  • The YEAR function works with valid Excel dates. If the input is not a valid date, it will return a #VALUE! error.

  • Excel stores dates as serial numbers, so the YEAR function works by interpreting the serial number and extracting the year.

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