The IF
function in Excel is one of the most commonly used logical functions. It allows you to perform conditional tests on values and formulas, returning one value if the condition is TRUE
and another if it is FALSE
. Below are 10 expanded examples of using the IF
function, including data and formulas.
Basic Syntax of IF
=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
1. Simple IF Statement
Scenario: Check if a student passed an exam (Passing score >= 60).
A | B | C |
Name | Score | Result |
John | 75 | =IF(B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail") |
Jane | 55 | =IF(B3>=60, "Pass", "Fail") |
John: Pass
Jane: Fail
2. Nested IF Statement
Scenario: Assign grades based on scores.
A | B | C |
Name | Score | Grade |
John | 85 | =IF(B2>=90, "A", IF(B2>=80, "B", IF(B2>=70, "C", "D"))) |
Jane | 72 | =IF(B3>=90, "A", IF(B3>=80, "B", IF(B3>=70, "C", "D"))) |
John: B
Jane: C
3. IF with AND
Scenario: Check if a student passed both subjects (Math >= 60 and Science >= 60).
A | B | C | D |
Name | Math | Science | Result |
John | 75 | 80 | =IF(AND(B2>=60, C2>=60), "Pass", "Fail") |
Jane | 55 | 65 | =IF(AND(B3>=60, C3>=60), "Pass", "Fail") |
John: Pass
Jane: Fail
4. IF with OR
Scenario: Check if a student passed at least one subject (Math >= 60 or Science >= 60).
A | B | C | D |
Name | Math | Science | Result |
John | 75 | 50 | =IF(OR(B2>=60, C2>=60), "Pass", "Fail") |
Jane | 55 | 45 | =IF(OR(B3>=60, C3>=60), "Pass", "Fail") |
John: Pass
Jane: Fail
5. IF with SUM
Scenario: Check if the total sales exceed a target.
A | B | C | D |
Month | Sales | Target | Result |
Jan | 5000 | 6000 | =IF(SUM(B2)>=C2, "Target Met", "Target Not Met") |
Feb | 7000 | 6000 | =IF(SUM(B3)>=C3, "Target Met", "Target Not Met") |
Jan: Target Not Met
Feb: Target Met
6. IF with AVERAGE
Scenario: Check if the average score of a student is above 70.
A | B | C | D |
Name | Math | Science | Result |
John | 85 | 75 | =IF(AVERAGE(B2:C2 )>=70, "Above Average", "Below Average") |
Jane | 60 | 65 | =IF(AVERAGE(B3:C3 )>=70, "Above Average", "Below Average") |
John: Above Average
Jane: Below Average
7. IF with COUNT
Scenario: Check if more than 5 students passed the exam.
A | B |
Name | Result |
John | Pass |
Jane | Fail |
Alice | Pass |
Bob | Pass |
Carol | Pass |
Dave | Pass |
Eve | Pass |
=IF(COUNTIF(B2:B8, "Pass")>5, "More than 5 passed", "5 or fewer passed")
Result: More than 5 passed
8. IF with DATE
Scenario: Check if a project deadline has passed.
A | B | C |
Project | Deadline | Status |
Project A | 2023-10-15 | =IF(B2<TODAY(), "Overdue", "On Track") |
Project B | 2023-11-01 | =IF(B3<TODAY(), "Overdue", "On Track") |
Result (as of today's date):
Project A: Overdue
Project B: On Track
9. IF with TEXT
Scenario: Check if a cell contains specific text.
A | B |
Name | Result |
John | Pass |
Jane | Fail |
=IF(B2="Pass", "Congratulations!", "Try Again")
John: Congratulations!
Jane: Try Again
10. IF with VLOOKUP
Scenario: Check if a product is in stock using a lookup table.
A | B | C |
Product | Stock | Status |
Apple | 10 | =IF(VLOOKUP(A2, StockTable, 2, FALSE)>0, "In Stock", "Out of Stock") |
Banana | 0 | =IF(VLOOKUP(A3, StockTable, 2, FALSE)>0, "In Stock", "Out of Stock") |
Product | Stock |
Apple | 10 |
Banana | 0 |
Apple: In Stock
Banana: Out of Stock
These examples demonstrate the versatility of the IF
function in Excel. You can combine it with other functions like AND
, OR
to create powerful conditional logic for your data analysis.
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