function in Excel is used to convert a value to text in a specific number format. It’s particularly useful when you want to display numbers, dates, or times in a specific format within a text string. Below are 10 examples of how to use the TEXT
function, including data and formulas:
1. Format a Number with Commas
Data: 12345.678
=TEXT(12345.678, "#,##0.00")
Result: 12,345.68
Explanation: Formats the number with commas and two decimal places.
2. Display a Date in a Specific Format
Data: 01/15/2023
(stored as a date in Excel)
=TEXT(A1, "mmmm d, yyyy")
Result: January 15, 2023
Explanation: Converts the date into a full month name, day, and year format.
3. Format a Number as Currency
Data: 1234.56
=TEXT(1234.56, "$#,##0.00")
Result: $1,234.56
Explanation: Displays the number as currency with a dollar sign and two decimal places.
4. Display Time in 12-Hour Format
Data: 14:30
(stored as time in Excel)
=TEXT(A1, "hh:mm AM/PM")
Result: 02:30 PM
Explanation: Converts the time into a 12-hour format with AM/PM.
5. Add Leading Zeros to a Number
Data: 123
=TEXT(123, "00000")
Result: 00123
Explanation: Adds leading zeros to make the number 5 digits long.
6. Combine Text and Formatted Numbers
Data: 1234.56
="Total: " & TEXT(1234.56, "$#,##0.00")
Result: Total: $1,234.56
Explanation: Combines static text with a formatted number.
7. Format a Percentage
Data: 0.123
=TEXT(0.123, "0.00%")
Result: 12.30%
Explanation: Converts the decimal to a percentage with two decimal places.
8. Display a Fraction
Data: 0.75
=TEXT(0.75, "# ?/?")
Result: 3/4
Explanation: Converts the decimal to a fraction.
9. Format a Phone Number
Data: 1234567890
=TEXT(1234567890, "(###) ###-####")
Result: (123) 456-7890
Explanation: Formats the number as a phone number.
10. Display a Date as Day of the Week
Data: 01/15/2023
(stored as a date in Excel)
=TEXT(A1, "dddd")
Result: Sunday
Explanation: Displays the day of the week for the given date.
Key Notes:
function does not change the actual value of the cell; it only changes how the value is displayed.The format codes used in the
function are the same as those used in custom number formatting in Excel.If you need to perform calculations, avoid using
as it converts the value to a text string.
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