function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to count the number of cells across multiple ranges that meet one or more criteria. It's particularly useful for analyzing data sets where multiple conditions need to be evaluated simultaneously.
COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
- criteria_range1: The first range in which to evaluate the associated criteria.
- criteria1: The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that define which cells will be counted.
- criteria_range2, criteria2, ...: Optional. Additional ranges and their associated criteria. Up to 127 range/criteria pairs are allowed.
Important: Each additional range must have the same number of rows and columns as the criteria_range1
Counting Sales Above a Certain Amount in a Specific Region
Region Sales North 500 South 700 East 300 West 700 North 600 Formula: To count the number of sales in the "North" region that are greater than 400:
=COUNTIFS(A2:A6, "North", B2:B6, ">400")
Result: 2 (There are two sales in the North region exceeding 400.)
Counting Products Meeting Multiple Criteria
Product Type Quantity Apple Fruit 50 Carrot Veg 30 Banana Fruit 70 Lettuce Veg 20 Apple Fruit 60 Formula: To count the number of "Fruit" products with a quantity greater than 50:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "Fruit", C2:C6, ">50")
Result: 2 (There are two fruit products with quantities greater than 50.)
Counting Dates Within a Specific Range
Date Event 01/01/2025 Conference 15/01/2025 Meeting 20/01/2025 Workshop 25/01/2025 Seminar 30/01/2025 Conference Formula: To count the number of events between 10/01/2025 and 20/01/2025:
=COUNTIFS(A2:A6, ">=10/01/2025", A2:A6, "<=20/01/2025")
Result: 2 (There are two events between these dates.)
Counting Text Entries with Wildcards
Name Department John Smith Sales Jane Doe Marketing Jake Long Sales Jenna Ray HR James Bond Sales Formula: To count the number of employees in the Sales department whose names start with "J":
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "Sales", A2:A6, "J*")
Result: 3 (There are three employees in Sales whose names start with "J.")
Counting Entries with Multiple Criteria Across Different Columns
Employee Department Status Alice HR Active Bob IT Inactive Charlie HR Active David IT Active Eve HR Inactive Formula: To count the number of active employees in the HR department:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "HR", C2:C6, "Active")
Result: 2 (There are two active employees in the HR department.)
Counting Entries with Numeric and Text Criteria
Item Category Price Laptop Tech 1200 Chair Furniture 150 Desk Furniture 300 Monitor Tech 400 Mouse Tech 25 Formula: To count the number of Tech items priced above 500:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "Tech", C2:C6, ">500")
Result: 1 (Only the Laptop meets both criteria.)
Counting Entries with Not Equal Criteria
Student Grade Alice A Bob B Charlie A David C Eve B Formula: To count the number of students who did not receive a grade of "A":
Counting Entries with Numeric and Text Criteria
Item | Category | Price |
Laptop | Tech | 1200 |
Chair | Furniture | 150 |
Desk | Furniture | 300 |
Monitor | Tech | 400 |
Mouse | Tech | 25 |
- Formula: To count the number of "Tech" items priced above 500:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "Tech", C2:C6, ">500")
Result: 1 (Only the Laptop meets both criteria.)
Counting Entries with Not Equal Criteria
Student | Grade |
Alice | A |
Bob | B |
Charlie | A |
David | C |
Eve | B |
- Formula: To count the number of students who did not receive a grade of "A":
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "<>A")
Result: 3 (Bob, David, and Eve did not receive an "A".)
Counting Blank and Non-Blank Cells
Task Due Date Task 1 01/02/2025 Task 2 Task 3 05/02/2025 Task 4 Task 5 10/02/2025
To count the number of tasks with a due date:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "<>")
Result: 3 (There are three tasks with due dates.)
To count the number of tasks without a due date:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "")
Result: 2 (There are two tasks without due dates.)
Counting Entries with Wildcards
Filename Size (MB) report_final 2 report_draft 1.5 summary_final 1 data_final 3 notes_draft 0.5
=COUNTIFS(A2:A6, "*_final")
Result: 3 (There are three files ending with "_final".)
Counting Entries Based on Date Criteria
Employee | Hire Date |
John | 01/01/2020 |
Jane | 15/03/2021 |
Jake | 20/07/2022 |
Jenna | 25/10/2023 |
James | 30/12/2024 |
Formula: To count the number of employees hired after January 1, 2022:
=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, ">01/01/2022")
Result: 3 (Jake, Jenna, and James were hired after this date.)
These examples illustrate how the COUNTIFS
function can be applied to various scenarios, including numerical comparisons, text matching with wildcards, date evaluations, and handling blank or non-blank cells. By adjusting the criteria and ranges, you can tailor the COUNTIFS
function to meet specific data analysis need
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